Startup success stories: Serieal Entrepreneur, Founder and board member | Interview

5 min read

Nick Holder

Welcome to the Newest Chapter of Startup Success Stories

In this edition, we are sharing our conversation with Pablo Lascurain, a distinguished figure in the world of startup innovation and entrepreneurship. As a founder of Grupo CREA, 4Founders and a pivotal figure behind Startup Grind, he has been a guiding force in the evolution of over 400 startups.

Currently, at the helm of DSV10, he continues to invest in and support the growth of promising startups.

In our conversation, Pablo offers a treasure trove of insights for startup founders. From the essential qualities he looks for in startup founders as a board member to the pitfalls to avoid in the startup journey. As we explore his philosophy and approach to business, Pablo also shares his unique perspective on leveraging board relationships for strategic growth and identifying when a startup is poised for significant scaling, providing invaluable guidance for anyone embarking on or navigating through the entrepreneurial landscape.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Pablo for generously sharing his time and wisdom with us. His journey and insights are bound to enlighten and motivate any aspiring or established startup founder.

Pablo Lascurain
Pablo (Linkedin) stands out as a visionary serial entrepreneur, founder, and board member, whose journey shows an extraordinary commitment to the startup ecosystem. With a background as a lawyer, he ventured into various professional realms including international franchising, real estate consulting, business logistics, and government technology development. His entrepreneurial flair led him to establish Grupo CREA, a business development company focusing on startups through alternative investment mechanisms. His impressive track record with 4Founders and Startup Grind spans over a decade, where he has been instrumental in nurturing over 400 startups. His expertise in building, funding, and enhancing these startups is evident from the $100+ million he raised for them, fostering collaborations with tech giants like Amazon, Meta, Google, and Oracle, as well as prominent funds like Accel, Kleiner Perkins, and Upfront Ventures. In collaboration with inDIP, Pablo worked closely with over 150 C-level executives, addressing multifaceted challenges in growth, finance, HR, technology, M&A, culture, and innovation. His expertise has reached over 6,000 entrepreneurs worldwide, sharing innovative startup strategies and nurturing communities for founders and successful women in business. Currently, Pablo is a driving force at DSV10 and continues his philanthropic efforts through 4Founders and 4Women. His commitment to social good is also evident in his support for NGOs by providing free technology to aid their causes at Contrapeso. Beyond his entrepreneurial ventures, Pablo shares his philosophical insights on his podcast El Arte de Entender, complemented by his published book of the same title.

As a board member, what specific qualities or actions do you look for in startup founders to assess their potential for success?

  1. Their Belief. This means identifying what they believe is incorrect (meaning it could be done differently) or could be improved within the current status quo.
  1. Valuing sophistication. This means seeking founders who, regardless of their formal education, pursue quality, craftsmanship, and a high level in their products and services."
  1. Being able to differentiate their needs from the company's needs and being brave and decisive when presented with hard situations.

Based on your experience working with startups, what advice would you give to founders just starting their entrepreneurial journey?

  1. Figure out your motives for becoming an entrepreneur, you will not become your own boss, own your time or build your dreams, for many, many years, but instead, find out why are you starting a new business.
  1. Once you decide to start a business focus on something where you can have advantages because of your individual talent and knowledge (not your degree or profession)

What resources or support have you seen founders benefit from the most when building their startups?

A group of people having a brainstorming session.

Diversity of opinions, having a curious attitude and assuming that no one knows better, just differently.

Avoid assuming that product, financials, and identity are independent; Instead interconnect them from day 1.

What are some of the pitfalls or mistakes you have seen startups make which should be avoided?

  1. Following advice from people that have never built a startup.
  1. Don't assume that the world is responsible for catching up with your understanding of your product and your company.
  1. A lack of sophistication in approach and execution

How can founders effectively leverage their board of directors to drive business growth and strategic decision-making?

Boards need to be thoughtfully designed. Many founders think of having board members who only agree and support them. However, having a board that challenges, questions, and pushes you as a founder can be just as valuable as having one that supports and applauds

What are the most significant factors that lead to successful board-founder relationships?

Removing hierarchy, and focusing on the common goal of achieving the greater good for the company, regardless of personal opinions.

What are the key indicators that a startup is ready for significant growth and scaling?

  1. Understanding why and how consumers use, value, and benefit from your product.
  1. Setting a price point slightly below what the client is willing and happy to pay.
  1. Ensuring the startup team has created the necessary conditions to support growth, meaning they are suitably qualified, have sufficient funding and bandwidth to meet demand, and the product is robust enough to scale without issues.

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