
An effective meeting agenda will make you board meetings run smoothly, here are our top 6 tips

3 min read

Sara Hatfield

Picture of Sarah Hatfield loving life

Having an effective agenda is necessary for a meeting because it helps to ensure that the meeting is productive and focused. A good agenda provides attendees with a clear understanding of the topics that will be discussed during the meeting, and helps to keep the discussion on track and focused on the most important issues.

In addition, having a good agenda can help to ensure that attendees are prepared for the meeting. By providing attendees with the agenda in advance, you can give them the opportunity to review the topics and prepare any relevant information or materials. This can help to make the discussion more productive and engaging, and can lead to better outcomes for the meeting.

Here are our top tips for writing an effective meeting agenda:

  1. Start by deciding on the main topics or issues that need to be discussed during the meeting. This could include updates on ongoing projects, decisions that need to be made, or issues that need to be addressed.
  2. Prioritize the topics based on their importance or relevance to the meeting. This will help to ensure that the most important topics are discussed first, and that the meeting stays focused on the most critical issues.
  3. Include enough detail for each topic to give attendees a clear understanding of what will be discussed and what is expected of them. This could include a brief description of the topic, the objectives of the discussion, and any relevant information or materials that attendees should review in advance.
  4. Format the agenda in a clear and easy-to-follow way. This could include using headings and subheadings to organize the topics, and using bullet points or numbered lists to outline the specific points that will be covered.
  5. Consider including time estimates for each topic, to help attendees understand how much time will be devoted to each discussion. This can also help to ensure that the meeting stays on track and doesn't go over time.
  6. Review the agenda carefully before distributing it to attendees. Make sure that it is complete and accurate, and that it provides enough detail to give attendees a clear understanding of what will be discussed during the meeting.

Overall, the key to writing an effective meeting agenda is to be clear, concise, and organized. By following these tips and guidelines, you can create an agenda that will help to ensure that your meetings are productive, focused, and successful.

BoardShape can help your business write better agendas that engage your team and keep everyone on task.

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